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domingo, febrero 23, 2025

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Videos: Abuelos fitness de 80 y 84 años inspiran a todos en las redes

Unos abuelos, de 80 y 84 años, con cuerpos musculosos y una energía que desafía su edad, se han hecho virales en redes sociales al compartir su estilo de vida fitness e inspirar a personas de todas las edades.

A través de su cuenta en TikTok, los abuelos comparten sus rutinas de ejercicios logrando romper los estereotipos sobre la actividad física en la tercera edad.

A los 84 años, el abuelo hace 500 flexiones tres veces a la semana, levanta pesas cinco veces por semana y usa la elíptica tres veces a la semana, se describe en uno de los videos. También mencionan que la abuela, de 80 años, camina al menos dos horas diarias demostrando su fortaleza y dedicación.

@leansquad1 She’s an 80 (soon to be 81) year old super woman 💃💪 If I’ve learned anything from my Nanny & Grandad it’s that there is a huge misconception with aging. Most people just assume that life looks the same for everyone and that couldn’t be further from the truth. The image of being in an old folks home watching TV is very different from what I’ve witnessed with my +80 year old Grandparents who have prioritized movement and exercise. They can still lift their Great Grandkids, walk 4km to get their own groceries, run up a flight of stairs and do all of the things one would dream of being able to do for their entire life. The truth is, if you start prioritizing movement and exercise right now, your body gives you so much life back in the long run. So from my Nanny and I, no matter your age and your current state of fitness, just focus on “starting”… That might mean a 5 minute walk or a 10 minute workout but the truth is, it will put you in a better position in life not just the following day but also years down the road! #SuperNanny #leansquad #health #motivation #fyp #inspiring #healthy #80yearsold ♬ Maneater – Nelly Furtado

Además de ser físicamente activos, los abuelos han sido ejemplo de hábitos alimenticios saludables demostrando que también cuidan su alimentación.

Phil Mackenzie, nieto de los abuelos, afirman que han sido ellos quienes le han enseñado desde muy joven este estilo de vida.

@leansquad1 Life can be pretty amazing as you age if you’re willing to prioritize your health right now 💙💪 Meet my 80 (soon to be 81) and 83 (soon to 84) year old Grandparents 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ Ever since I can remember I watched my Grandparents exercise and never take their health for granted. I’ll be sharing more of them how how they have stayed fit for so long because they have been such an inspiration in my life…☺️💙 p.s. if you want to start prioritizing your health then comment HEALT now click the link in my bio and Ill send you a free 30 day pass for any of my programs including my 21 Day Lean Reset challenge which is a great way to get motivated and back on track. Life is so short and the only way we can make the most of it is if we feel our best. I also have tons of other programs to choose from no matter your fitness level. Click link in bio to start getting inspired now!🙏 #health #age #happiness #leansquad #grandparents #80yearsold #workout #homeworkouts #healthy #healthyaging #fyp ♬ Home – Edith Whiskers

«¡Mi abuela tiene 92 años y está igual! Vive sola en su casa, camina dos veces al día todavía», «Dios mío, sí, me encanta, se ve joven», «Reina te ves fabulosa», «Mi tía tiene 100 años y vive sola», «Yo quiero ser así 💕», «Esto es tan asombroso», «Necesito escuchar todos sus consejos, historias, planes de alimentación, vitaminas, ejercicios, todo, Dios mío», «¡Qué regalo se han dado a sí mismos y a su familia!», comentaron los internautas.

@leansquad1 3 things my 82 year old Grandad has done ever since I can remember that have helped him live one of the fullest and most capable lives of anyone I have ever met ☺️🙏 P.S. I am give you 30 days entirely free of my follow along strength training program called the LEAN LIFT. My number one mission is to help inspire people to make the most of this one life we get, just like my Grandad has and strength training is one way to do just that. This program is for anyone and everyone, the only requirement is some weights, an adjustable bench and a willingness to commit, just give your best and not take our health for granted! My Grandad has shown me how amazing life can be as we age and I hope you follow in his footsteps along with me. Click the link in my bio and I will email you a code so tou can join me for free in my lean lift program now! #proud #grandad #inspiring #training #strengthtraining #aging #longevity #grandad #fyp ♬ In the lifetime – DSADS

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